Madeline Kay Naumann

Madeline Kay Naumann
Madeline Kay Naumann

Currently Maddie and Patrick are living in Salisbury, Maryland. They are both working hard full-time and while going to school. Both will be applying to BYU-Provo for the Fall of 2016. Patrick will be getting a degree in Patient Services and Maddie will be getting a teaching degree.

Maddie and Patrick started their journey together on June 20th, 2014.

Maddie and Patrick's wedding picture.
Maddie and Patrick's wedding picture.

Maddie has had quite an exciting life so far. In a quick summary here are a few things she has done. When starting high school Maddie had the opportunity to go with friends to Porto Rico. She got to go horse back riding, canoeing and she got to enjoy the culture. After high school Maddie was accepted to BYU-Idaho. While there she heard of a program called the International Language Program. Maddie was then off to China for 5 months were she taught English to elementary age children.

Maddie and her students.
Maddie and her students.
Maddie in China.
Maddie in China.

Once she was home for 6 short months she was off to Walt Disney World in Orlando Florida where she worked with the college intern program.

Maddie in Disney.
Maddie in Disney.