
Our finished garden in 2015.
Our finished garden in 2015.

The prophet as commanded us to grow a garden. In primary we can even learn songs about gardening. But gardening can seem like a lot of work and can be a little daunting. The biggest thing to remember is that you can have a garden anywhere. From pots on the window seal, pots on the porch, or my favorite, the square foot garden. It really doesn't matter what you grow as long as you have one! We have been promised we will be blessed. Now I must say this doesn't necessarily mean you will have a full, flourishing garden. I have planted many a garden that only produce one or two tomatoes! But I know we were blessed in other ways. We were blessed in the family time of planting and preparing. We will be blessed for being obedient.

This year we had decided to skip a garden. Not sure if we would be moving or what the future would hold we decided it may not be wise to plant one. Then one Sunday our lovely Relief Society President reminded us of the prophet's council to plant a garden. Plant flowers, herbs or veggies. It doesn't matter she said. Just be obedient and plant a garden. In a pot or in the yard it doesn't matter. So being motivated we decided to have a garden.

Mother's Day weekend we were out and Home Depot picking our plants and soil products. Then through a lot of hard work (from Chris) our garden was complete. We have tomatoes, bell peppers, green beans, carrots, lettuce, cucumbers, and a few flowers too!

Chris starting to put the raised garden bed together.
Chris starting to put the raised garden bed together.