
We love vacations! Who doesn't?

This summer we are taking a road trip! Chris has wanted to do this for awhile; ever since we took a small road trip last year. So this summer we are off to Orlando again. Yes, this is one of our favorite destinations! We will be spending a week there and Izaak will join us after a few days. We once again we will be going to Walt Disney World and Universal Studios. After that we are off to the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Now this is super exciting for many reasons. Most importantly because we will be visiting family and an area of the country we I have never been to before.

We've been very fortunate to have some amazing friends whom we like to travel with. Last February we went with the Anderson's to Orlando. We got to visit Maddie who was there working at Walt Disney World and spent a whole week having fun in the sun! We spent 3 days at Walt Disney World visiting the Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom and Epcot. Then we got to spend 2 days at Universal Studio. We all agreed Harry Potter World rocks!

Then in June the Anderson's and Becker's were off again this time to Salisbury, Maryland and Myrtle Beach, SC. After spending a few days in Salisbury for Maddie and Patrick's wedding reception we made our way out to Myrtle Beach. There we got to stay in a nice condo which was right next to the beach. We got to have fun collecting shell's and finding hermit crabs! Yes, we let the crabs go.

Sunrise at Mytrle Beach
This is the sunrise from Myrtle Beach!

Our final vacation for 2014 came with our wedding anniversary. We took the girls and went to see Washington D.C. Maddie and Patrick were able to join us and we toured many of the sites. On the way home we got to stop at Carlos' Bakery! We loved this place. We've watched the show and for the first time got to taste the treats. One word says it all.... Amazing!

Inside Bakery
Our stop at Carlos' Bakery!.